1. Wait for him to text you or talk to you all the freakin' time.

2. When he finally sends you a message, you overthink what you're going to say. Totes not sorry for the 5-minute delay in your response.

3. But then again, you carefully calculate the length of time before you hit send. You don't want to look too eager to talk to him.

4. You stalk him on Instagram and accidentally double tap a really old photo of him showing off his abs. *facepalm*

5. You filed that time he added you as a friend or followed you on Twitter as one of the best moments of your life.

6. Well that thing on #5, and when he liked or commented on your post!

7. You feel proud that you know a lot of things about him—the complete names of the members of his family, his favorites, and when he goes online and offline.

8. You watch your crush's fave movie or TV show and post about it online! And that, kids, is how you start a conversation via the Internet.

9. You practice writing your signature with his last name.

10. You know the deets of your wedding and the names you'll give all of your children.

11. You make his favorites your favorites. Hey, that weird sandwich doesn't taste so bad!

12. You don't LOL or ROTFL around him. Instead you laugh with a small "hehehe," while covering your mouth.

13. 90% of your weekend is spent daydreaming about him and making up scenarios and conversations in your head. Well not really 90%, maybe just 70-80%.

What are the insane things you do when you're crushing on someone, Candy Girls? Tell us in the comments or tweet us @candymagdotcom. We love hearing from you. :)
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