Whenever guys do these things, they don't know how much we're dying inside of kilig. We sometimes just want to give them hugs and words of appreciation for these little things we love seeing them do, whether for us or for a random lady they encounter somewhere:
1. When they open doors for us. Guys really make us smile whenever they do this, especially when it's not their job or we don't really know them. It kind of feels like we're seeing the guy as Damon Salvatore when he does this for us, promise.

2. When they offer to bring us home. We can't really avoid going home late sometimes, especially if we're finishing projects or doing research in a classmate's house. When guys offer to bring us home and see to it that we get there safe, we very grateful.

3. When they offer us their seats. Or when they offer an old lady their seat. Small acts like this in the LRT/MRT or inside the bus make our hearts happy. Nowadays, we encounter guys who don't mind hitting people whenever they're walking so when someone does this, we somehow believe that all is right in the world again.

4. When they laugh at our lame-o jokes. We know we're not really blessed with funny bones and that we can barely crack a verrry good joke to save our lives, so when guys laugh at one of the funny things we say, we feel overjoyed. Thank you for finding us funny when the truth is we're not, not even a little bit.

5. When they bring us food. You know what's better than stuffed animals and flowers? FOOD. Yup, when our guy or our kuyas bring us food, we're super happy because it saves us all the energy of preparing a good meal ourselves.

6. When they talk to us. Guys rarely talk about their feelings, so when they do, it's quite a big deal for us. It makes us feel that they can trust us and that they believe we can somehow lessen the sadness they're feeling.

7. When they hold our hand. Especially when we're having a bad day. When they lock their fingers in the spaces between ours, we somehow believe that maybe, just maybe things are going to be okay tomorrow or in a few hours or in a few minutes.

What are the little things guys do that make you kilig, Candy Girls? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @candymagdotcom to join the conversation. :)
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