Getting over someone is a slow process. It's like you're riding a rollercoaster—some days are fine, other days are very problematic. So we can't blame you if you have a lot of feelings after you've finally accepteed the fact that your crush was just a crush and that you can't do anything about that. Here are a few things you'll find yourself telling your friends or even to yourself.
1. "Ewww!" At first you won't be able to live with the fact that you've been so crazy about his eyes or his smile or the way he slouched a little when he walked (shy guy, nice!). The thought of him alone will send your mood swinging on all the wrong directions. How unacceptable, you think.

2. "What was I thinking?" Yes, girl, what were you thinking? LOLJK, of course you were thinking that he's perfect. But he's not and nobody is, keep that in mind the next time you meet someone you think is totes flawless.

3. "What did I see in him?" You'll probably ask yourself or your friends this question a thousand times. Sometimes you can pinpoint what it is about him you fell for. Other times, you won't. But that doesn't matter. Just go have your eyes checked. Maybe you just need a good pair of glasses.

4. "Where did all my standards for a guy go?" Here's the truth: Most times, you'll find yourself cruhing on a guy who's not really your type. He's not your ideal guy and he doesn't even come close. All you know is that there's something about him that's totes irresistible. Unforch, that something is now gone.

5. "I am too good for him." Oh, yes you are. And good for you because you realized that in time, before your feelings turned to love and it would be more difficult to get over him.

6. "I don't want to talk about him." You say this because it really is exhausting to go through another round of reminiscing again. And you're over him anyway, so what's the point of discussing the matter with your friends. It'll be just a waste of time and saliva. Save those for your next crush or for your loved ones.

7. "We're better off as friends." And you say it like you mean it. *slow claps* Usually, you're not friends with him and you don't have any intentions of being BFFs with him. But hey, don't go closing any doors yet. You may be fine with the fact of having him as a friend in a few years. Just give it time and you might change your mind.

Got feelings? Let us know in the coments or tweet us @candymagdotcom. We always love hearing from you. :)
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