1. When he greeted your classmates and missed you. Are you invisible? Should you carry a big sign telling him you exist? What are you supposed to do???

2. When you tried to start a conversation with him and he gave you a single word reply. Awkward.

3. When you text him about your Physics homework and it took him hours to reply or he doesn't reply at all. Such a waste of time and load, buti na lang unli ka.

4. When he approached you and talked to you... because he wanted to ask if you know the answer for your Math homework. Remind yourself why you shouldn't slam that notebook on his handsome face.

5. When you tripped during PE class and he laughed. He can be a gentleman sometimes.

6. When you tried your best to look pretty and he doesn't even compliment you.

7. When you overheard him say that another girl's pretty. Hello, you're here. You're pretty, too.

8. When you updated your Facebook status about liking someone from afar (which totes referred to him) and he just liked it. Do you really have to spell it out for him?

9. When he talked to the popular girl in school. Hope she doesn't get to him before you do.

10. When he needed 1/4 sheet of paper for your surprise quiz, you gave him one, and he told you, "Thanks. You're such a true friend." TRUE FRIEND? SERIOUSLY?

11. When you twisted and turned everything he said, made hilarious assumptions, and ended up hurting yourself in the end. Note to self: Stop overthinking.

12. When you told him a joke and he didn't find it funny. He's so slow.

13. When he changed his Facebook relationship status to "engaged." Really? At this age?

14. When he did something cute for you or complimented you, then ignored you for the next few days. You're invisible again. Goodbye, world.

15. When you decided to get over him (finally), then he said or did something cute—so you're head-over-heels in like with him AGAIN. WHYYY?

How did your crush break your heart, Candy Girls? Huhu, let's comfort each other! Tell us about it in the comments or tweet us @candymagdotcom. We'd love to hear from you. :)
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